Keywords: Criminalization, Fisheries, Sea, Explosives.Abstract
Article 84 paragraph (1) of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 45 of 2009 concerning Fisheries, explains that every person in the Indonesian Fish Cultivation Territory deliberately catches fish, raises fish using chemicals, biological materials, explosives, tools, methods, buildings that can harm, endanger the sustainability of fish resources and the environment. The defendant and his friend went by boat to catch fish on the orders of the Air Force with explosives purchased by the AU in the form of matches, incense, diesel, sulfur, threads, silver paint, puttasium and axes. Formulation of the problem 1) How is the application of the crime against fishing using explosives 2) Consideration of the judge in applying the crime against fishing using explosives in case Number: 01 / PID.B / 2014.PN.PDG. Normative legal research methods, data sources are primary data, secondary data and tertiary data are analyzed qualitatively. Conclusion 1) The application of the crime according to the judge's decision for 1 year. Judges' considerations in imposing crimes are carried out juridically and non-juridically. 2) Judicial considerations, namely through demands from the public prosecutor, evidence, witness statements, defendant statements and articles in criminal law regulations while non-juridical acts such as the defendant's actions hinder government programs in the context of preserving the environment and alleviating defendants such as have never been convicted , acknowledge his actions and have family dependents.References
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