Keywords: Protection, disability, implementationAbstract
Humans as God's creatures have the same dignity, dignity, and status, whether they are born perfect or in imperfections or are called disabilities. Protection of the rights of persons with disabilities is very necessary so that people with disabilities can get equal rights with other communities, but protection of rights for persons with disabilities is still lacking, such as forms of discrimination ranging from lack of facilities or access to disabilities to services that are not evenly available by the government and violations of the rights of persons with disabilities. whereas it has been clearly stated in Article 143 of the PD Law that Everyone is prohibited from obstructing and / or prohibiting Persons with Disabilities from obtaining rights in Indonesia. Formulation of the problem: (1) How are the arrangements for the protection of disability rights according to international law? (2) How is the implementation of disability rights protection in Indonesia? The research approach used a normative approach. Secondary data sources consist of primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. Data collection techniques are document study, data analysis by qualitative analysis. Research conclusions: (1) Arrangements for the protection of disability rights under international law are regulated in Article 1 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) Convention which has been ratified in Law Number 19 of 2011 concerning The Convention on The Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) provides universal recognition of the dignity of persons with disabilities and full and effective participation and involvement, equal opportunity, inclusion, non-discrimination and accessibility (2) Implementation of legal protection for disability rights in Indonesia using the provisions of Law No.8 2016 concerning Persons with Disabilities, however, in its implementation, these rights are still not fulfilled because there is still a paradigm that persons with disabilities have physical and mental limitations and are not considered capable of making an important contribution to national development.References
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