Keywords: Application, Criminal, CopyrightAbstract
The contents of Law No. 19 of 2002 contain Copyright, Copyright is the exclusive right of the creator that appears automatically. as stipulated in Article 12 paragraph (1) covers creations in the fields of science, arts, and literature. which is clearly written in it includes computer programs. Copyright infringement is still an unsolved problem. In the case of 2012, copyright crime occurred in Surabaya on purpose to copy an item that was not legally owned and then circulated it to the public as a result of copyright infringement. This is what encourages researchers to raise the problem, a) how is the application of crime against the criminal act of infringing copyright games on Playstation; b) what is the noble consideration of the court judge in imposing sanctions on criminal acts of copyright infringement of Playstation games. The meticulous method used by the author of normative juridical law research is done by examining the document study literature. The sources of this research consist of primary legal formulations, secondary materials, and tertiary herbs. The data collection technique used in the research was document study. Careful analysis of data without using numbers. In conclusion, the defendant was found guilty of deliberately selling, exhibiting to the public the results of copyright infringement as regulated "in the Republic of Indonesia Law it is recorded in Article 72 paragraph (2) of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 19 of 2002 concerning Copyright with imprisonment for 4 ”(four) months and a fine with a nominal value of Rp. 5,000,000 (five million rupiah).References
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