Keywords: IUU Fishing, Exclusive Economic Zone, Waters, IndonesiaAbstract
The state of Indonesia is a country that has a large water area, of course, also has abundant natural wealth that can make its inhabitants prosperous by utilizing this to improve its economy. This is what triggers a conflict that arises because of IUU Fishing. However, with the development of technology and insights into the practice of IUU Fishing, its reach has begun to expand by providing a new strategy, namely by transporting the fish catch to carriers located in the Indonesian Exclusive Economic Zone because the transporter is carrying out the action at that location. Formulation of the problem: (1) How is the Illegal Transhipment arrangement according to UNCLOS 1982 and national law? (2) How is the juridical study of Illegal Transhipment occurring in the Indonesian Exclusive Economic Zone reviewed from UNCLOS and national law? In this study the authors used a type of Normative Law research. The data source that the writer uses is secondary data consisting of primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. Qualitative data collection techniques Conclusions of the study: (1) The regulation according to UNCLOS 1982 in outline differentiates marine areas into two categories of marine areas where the state can enforce its laws against IUU fishing, Illegal Transhipment Arrangements according to Indonesian national law, namely Law No.45 of 2009 concerning fisheries regulates the prohibition of Transhipment activities and Ministerial Regulation No.57 of 2014 which contains the prohibition of transshipment for any type of fishing vessel (2) IUU fishing in Indonesia is a violation of the fisheries law, especially illegal transhipment crimes that occur in the Indonesian Exclusive Economic ZoneReferences
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