Key Words : Application, Illegal Cigarettes, Crime, SalesAbstract
Cigarettes in their sale or distribution must be attached to the official Excise Tape regulated in Law Number 39 of 2007 concerning amendments to Law Number 11 of 1995 concerning Excise (hereinafter referred to as the Excise Law), in this case Mr. PW circulates cigarettes without being attached Official Excise Band, violates Article 29 jo. Article 54 jo. Article 59 of the Excise Law Problem Formulation: (1) How is the application of the crime against the perpetrator of the criminal act of selling illegal cigarettes in case Number 132 / pid.sus / 2019 / PN.Tmg? (2) What are the judges' considerations in applying crimes against the perpetrators of criminal acts in case Number 132 / pid.sus / 2019 / PN Tmg? The type of research used is normative legal research, with data collection techniques of document study, the data source is secondary data consisting of primary, secondary, tertiary legal materials which are analyzed qualitatively. Conclusion: (1) The application of crime against the perpetrator of the illegal sale of cigarettes in case Number 132 / Pid.Sus? 2019 / PN.Tmg. the defendant was found legally guilty of committing the criminal act described in Article 29 paragraph-1 and was subject to punishment in Article 54 jo. Article 59 of the Excise Law jo. Article 56-1 of the Criminal Code. With a prison sentence of 1 (one) year and 4 (four) months and a fine of Rp. 1,562,880,000. (2) Judges' considerations are juridical and non-juridical, but the judge does not find justification and forgiveness..References
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Alodokter, kecanduan nikotin,,hati%20dan%20menimbulkan%20rasa%20puas
Bea cukai, rokok illegal,,
Jurnal Spirit, 2014, vol.5 No.1
Sainsme, sejarah rokok,
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