Pertimbangan Hakim dalamMenjatuhkanPidanaterhadapPelakuMelakukanPembakaranSecaraBersama-sama yang MenimbulkanBahayaUmumbagiBarang (StudiPerkaraNomor 116/Pid.B/2019/PN Lbb)
Keywords: Consideration, Combustion, General Hazards, GoodsAbstract
Burning which creates general danger to goods is regulated in Article 187 Paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code. The results showed (1) The application of imprisonment in the case was correct and could fulfill a sense of justice for PT. AMP and the judge chose to carry out ultra petita, which is to decide beyond the demands of the public prosecutor, namely 1 year in prison. (2) Judges' considerations are related to juridical and non-juridical factors, information on juridical factors, namely indictments, demands, facts, evidence, and evidence. Non-juridical factors, namely conditions that relieve and incriminate the defendant.References
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