Keywords: International Humanitarian Law, Distinction Principle, Modern WarfareAbstract
Modern war itself is defined as a non-military war, but rather a war with technology or industry carried out by developed countries to destroy or control certain countries through the fields of political ideology and socio-culture.Problem Formulation: 1) How to Apply the Difference Principle in International Humanitarian Law?2) How is the relevance of the application of the Distinction Principle in armed conflict or modern warfare?The method used is the normative legal research method. The principle of difference in humanitarian law that distinguishes the population of a country who is at war.This means minimizing the possibility of willful violations of humanitarian law.The application of the Distinction Principle in modern warfare is no longer relevant because those who fight are no longer humans and humans who involve the physical but war using machines.References
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B. Perjanjian Internasional
Konvensi-konvensi Janewa 1949 tentang perlindungan korban perang
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Protokol Tambahan Tahun 1977
Protokol Tambahan I tentang Perlindungan Korban Sengketa Bersenjata Internasional.
Protokol Tambahan II tentang Perlindungan Korban Sengketa Bersenjata Non-Internasional.
C. Sumber Lain-lain
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