Gambling is a disease of society, which is not easily eradicated. Gambling broad community interest, both in urban up in rural areas. Some more to get the money, entertainment, the reason people do gambling. Rapid expansion of gambling done by students, graduates, merchant, an officer can now be done much gaming girls. Problems arise when the commit criminal acts, gambling is female. The problems raised in this essay are: 1) How does the application of legal protection for women who commit criminal acts, gambling on the investigation. 2) What obstacles, efforts in take legal protection to women who commit criminal acts by law enforcement investigation story?. Methods used in the research approach is Juridical Sociologists use the data form the primary data and secondary data, the data collected by interviews and study of documents, it were analyzed qualitatively. From the study it can be concluded that: 1) the protection of women who commit criminal acts, suitable gambling laws occur, investigator least women make male investigator.2) constraints, investigators attempt to give legal protection to women who commit criminal acts, is located at least facilities, infrastructure. belonging to law enforcement officers in particular investigator.
Keyword : protection, woman, gambling, investigation.References
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