
  • Gusti Randi
  • Fitriati Fitriati
  • Yetisma Saini


Fish theft is the crime of theft committed with violation of provisions of the Act 31 st 2004 jo law 45 of 2009 About Fishing. Investigators are authorized to conduct investigation criminal act anti-theft fish is investigating civil servant, police investigators and water (POLAIR). The problem is, how does the process of investigation carried out by the police against criminal act anti-theft for water fish, whether barriers Polair in Carrying out investigation on the crime of theft of fish, and how the efforts of criminal acts in the response Polair theft of fish. In the writing of this author uses the judical sociological research methods based on primary data and secondary data. Engineering data collection through interviews and document study. The result showed that the process of investigation conducted by the Water Police (POLAIR) case against the crime of theft of fish was carried out based on the CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE which is different from the Police on the ground is the scope of work. In the process of investigation, i.e. obstacles difficulty gets Polair Colling witnesses, if supposing witnesses living outside the area and perpetrators are using chemicals to do chek in labor, the labor to areas of West Sumatera, Riau, Kepulauan Riau (KEPRI) only exists in the city of Medan, an effort tackling conducted Polair is pre-emtif action, preventive action, the actions of repressive.
Keywords: Investigation, Water police , Crime, theft of fish


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