
  • Harvied Charlind
  • Yetisma Saini
  • Syafridatati Syafridatati


Legal protection of children is very important for the creation of the continuity of the State, at the level of investigation, the victims are given special protection and rehabilitation, children are easy to fall victim to the crime of rape, it is usually done by people close to the child, the crime of rape of a child is an act that meets the criminal element in terms of the tangent with the civility and decency. The crime of rape against children is regulated in law No. 23 of 2002 on child protection Section 81 subsection (1), one case happen in Pariaman. In this research the issues examined are: (1) how does the shape of the legal protection of children as victims of the crime of rape?(2) whether the obstacles faced in conducting the investigation, the investigator of the children as victims of the crime of rape? The methods used in this research is the juridical sociological approach method, the data obtained are then processed with qualitative analysis. Based on the results of the study can be concluded: (1) a form of legal protection of children as victims of the crime of rape: provide a special shield cover for victims in the room gives you the assurance of salvation, RPK for victims, and get rehabilitation. (2) the constraints facing: Investigators are having trouble communicating, victims of trauma, the scene of the crime, the lack of funds for equipment, the result of visum et repertum, and processing time investigation the matter very shortly.

Keywords: legal protection, victims, rape, investigation


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