
  • Irwandy Hendrik
  • Uning Pratimaratri
  • Syafridatati Syafridatati


The Police Department is one of the institutions that have the task in the field of public order. The Police Department has the authority to issue permits the use of firearms by civilians. Possession of firearms by civilians, whether legal or illegal are often misused. The problem in this study are: (1) What is the role of the police in tackling the misuse of firearms (2) What factors a barrier to tackling the misuse of firearms (3) What efforts to overcome a barrier in tackling the misuse of firearms. This research uses the juridical socio legal approach that is by doing research in West Sumatera regional police. Source data obtained from the primary data and secondary data, primary data obtained from conducting interviews, secondary data obtained from studies of the document. Such Data in qualitative analysis. From the results it can be concluded: (1) the role of the police in tackling the misuse of firearms, such as conducting an investigation if there is misuse of firearms (2) restricting Factor in tackling the misuse of firearms is the cost of the investigation, the society does not give information, limitations of the equipment owned by the police (3) efforts are being made in tackling the misuse of firearms through tightened management of firearms permits.



Key Words: Role, Police Abuse, Firearms


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