Every human being does not want low. If honor someone denigrated through either verbal or written insults, which may not necessarily be the truth. It may cause harm to the good name attacked and insulted her. Crime insult and libel is regulated in Article 310 of the Criminal Code formulated by deliberately attacking the honor and reputation. Police as investigators in exposing alleged criminal contempt has the authority and duty to have in Act No. 2 of 2002 on the Indonesian National Police. Issues raised are 1) What techniques and tactics in the Champaign Police investigators in uncovering criminal contempt? and 2) Is the constraints faced by investigators in Padang Police in uncovering criminal contempt? The research method used is a sociological law, consisting of primary data and secondary data, and analyzed qualitatively. Results and resert conclusion that: 1. Techniques and Tactics investigation of criminal contempt has been implemented in a way, that is a. Open, looking for witnesses who actually saw, heard and there on the scene. b. Interview, make a list of questions systematically. c. Interrogation, through direct questioning. 2. Constraints faced by people reluctant or unwilling to provide information / statement or testify about the alleged offense is an insult, because people do not want to want to know on this issue.
Key words: Role, investigator, criminal act, humiliation.References
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