Peranan Dinas Sosial Kota Padang Dalam Penanganan Terjadinya Eksploitasi Anak Dalam Menunjang Kebutuhan Ekonomi Keluarga
Keywords : Role, social services, child exploitation, economic needAbstract
ABSTRACK Child exploitation committed by parents next to children is not get the right to survival, grow and thrive. 1) To analyze the factors that cause child exploitation in supporting the economic needs of families in Padang City. 2) To analyze the role of Padang City social service in handling the occurrence of child exploitation in the field of economic needs of the family in Padang City. Sociological juridical research method. 1) the factors that cause exploitation are economic factors, parental education, environment, and government policy problems for parents who exploit children.. 2) Role of service social is rehabilitating childrenReferences
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