
  • Tri Andika Syam
  • Uning Pratimaratri
  • Yetisma Saini


Investigation is an activity in order to find and make light of a crime that occurred and to find the culprit. First investigation activities conducted by investigators in unraveling a crime are found evidence at the crime scene. One of the important evidence that the investigator was sought fingerprints. This fingerprint is good evidence and effective, which can be used by investigators to prove in court. The problems are 1) How is the implementation of the authority of the investigators in conducting fingerprinting in Padang Police?, 2) What are the obstacles encountered by investigators in taking fingerprints for criminal investigation in Champaign Police?. This study uses a socio-legal approach. Data used include primary data and secondary data. Data collected circuitry interview techniques and study documents. Data were analyzed qualitatively. The results as follows, 1) The authority of the investigators in conducting fingerprinting in Padang Police have not run optimally. This is due to the activities taking fingerprints is still done manually with simple equipment. 2) Obstacles encountered investigator is frequently the case where the scene is changed or even damaged due to lack of public knowledge about the importance of the integrity of the crime scene that is     hindering             the  completion        of         the       case.

Keywords: Fingerprint, investigator, investigation, evidence.


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