
  • Angga Perdana Putra
  • Syamsur Tasir
  • Fitriati Fitriati


In running the government takes a very large fee, which one is the revenue received by the government through the tax sector. One of them is through the tax collection of the documents through which the stamp duty has been assigned by the government of the Republic of Indonesia. However, objects can stamp gives opportunities for fraud. It can certainly be detrimental to the State and give a poor image for the world of printing. The problems studied in this research is how the technology of printing counterfeit stamp on crime, what is the work done in the handling and prevention of counterfeit stamp by police Police Resort City of Pekanbaru. The author uses the methods of sociological research using primary data collected by interviewing respondents, as well as the secondary data obtained from the books of law material includes primary and secondary legal materials. From the results of this study concluded: the influence of printing technology to stamp counterfeiting offenses that opens opportunities for crime by utilizing pamalsuan printing technology advances, the work done in the handling and prevention of criminal acts by police counterfeit stamp is conducting legal education to the community to better understand the laws, the barriers in dealing with criminal fraud in the form of stamp duty so that the lack of sophisticated facilities counterfeit stamp increasingly commonplace.

Keywords: Crime, Forgery, Stamp Duty, Technology


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