
  • Farizal Hakim Annur
  • Uning Pratimaratri
  • Yetisma Saini


The crime spread porn videos set in Act No. 44 of 2008 about pornography. In the case of the dissemination of pornographic videos involving the artist A, CT and LM, parsing process must be done explicitly, which is where the main elements and which elements of the criminal offence of pornography proponents in the third case the artist. Online Media is a source of learning for community-wide tools and as one of the public communication media in the development of modern technology. In this study the author formulates the problem: 1. How the criminal liability of perpetrators of criminal acts of dissemination of pornographic video verdict No. 68/PID/2011/PT.BDG? 2. How is the consideration of the judge in the case, the verdict of the criminal acts dropped the spread of pornographic video verdict No. 68/PID/2011/PT.BDG?. In this study the author uses descriptive nature of the research, using methods of juridical normative approach is to examine the Court ruling. The authors examine the Court ruling was no. 68/PID/2011/PT.Bdg. Data collected by the study of documents, then analyzed qualitatively. 1. Criminal Liability of such pornography video deployments have been based on elements in the theory of deliberate action, 2. The consideration of judges in meting out the verdict to the defendant had been very precise, realistic and in accordance with the facts of law that exists.



Accountability, pornography, videos, online.


A. Buku

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B. Undang-undang

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C. Sumber Lain

Ary Putra, Jenis-Jenis Media Online,

Enaldi Bandies, Cyber Crime dan Upaya Antisipasinya,

Franky Yuliarto, Tinjauan Umum Pandangan Dunia Teknologi Komunikasi di Dalam Kehidupan Budaya, pandangan-dunia-teknologi_23.html,

Ira Puspita, Dampak Positif dan Negatif Teknologi,

Jonru, Mengenal Jurnalistik Online, diakses pada tanggal 19 Agustus 2013 pukul 22.50 WIB.

Yudha Yudanto, Media Online dan Keterkaitan Belajar Mengajar E-Learning,

Yuyanti Lalata, Tinjauan Umum Tentang KejahatanBaru,


