
  • Haryanto Haryanto
  • Syafridatati Syafridatati
  • Yetisma Saini


Correctional is to conduct training activities prisoners based systems, institutions, and how coaching is the final part of the guidance system in the criminal justice system. One form of guidance to inmates is through job training or job training that is expected to be equipped inmates back into society. The research problem is (1). Is the form of prison labor coaching program.? (2). How does the implementation of prison labor coaching.? (3).  The constraints are encountered by officers in fostering inmate labor.? This study uses a socio-juridical approach that is research, Data were collected on primary data obtained through interviews, and secondary data obtained by the study of documents. Data were analyzed qualitatively. From the research conducted it can be concluded: (1).  Shape coaching program of work has not been optimal because of the many items that have been damaged job training, and the need for special attention to inmates who are undergoing vocational training. (2). Implementation of development work is the development of personality and independence coaching coaching program organized by a form of work activity. The program should be carried out continuously in order inmates have the provision of a return to society. (3). constraints encountered by the officers, the lack of expertise and training tools work much damaged it resulted in inmate job training process is hampered.

Keyword: coaching, prisoners, penitentiary


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