
  • Siddik Kurniawan Akbar
  • Nurbeti Nurbeti
  • Suamperi Suamperi


Thesis was based on the fulfillment of the human rights of children and women in the health sector in the city of Padang. The main objective of health services to improve health and prevent disease. Problems studied 1. How is the implementation of the protection of human rights of children and women in the health sector in Padang? 2. Are the constraints faced by the government in implementing the protection of human rights of children and women in the health sector in Padang? 3. How is the government's efforts in implementing the human rights protection of children and women in the health sector in Padang? The purpose of the study is to examine the implementation of human rights protection, to know the constraints faced by the government, and to know the government's efforts in implementing the protection of human rights of children and women in the health sector in the city of Padang. Types of research used in this study is the sociological method, is a research field that studies based on primary data. Implementation of the law and protection of human rights by having Kemenkumham protection program in the field of human rights especially women and children. Constraints faced Kemenkumham and Padang city health office is not much different, hit the facilities and infrastructure that relatively minimal. Law enforcement efforts undertaken by the relevant legal authorities, while efforts in the health sector the government's commitment to fulfill the right to health.

Keyword: Fulfillment, Human Rights, Children, Women, Health


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