Number of traffic accidents in Padang tends to increase, an average of 5 cases every day. Traffic accident victims are people who suffer from physical and material losses resulting from traffic accidents. Traffic accident victims receive legal protection in the form of a traffic accident insurance and compensation based on legislation. Issues raised in this paper: 1) What form of legal protection of the rights of victims of traffic accidents in the jurisdiction in Padang; 2) What obstacles encountered by victims of traffic accidents in obtaining their rights; 3) What efforts were made victims traffic accidents in obtaining their rights. This study uses a socio legal approach. The data used are primary data and secondary data. Data were collected through interviews and document study. Data were analyzed qualitatively. Forms of legal protection of the rights of victims of traffic accidents in the jurisdiction in Padang have been implemented but the implementation is still not effective. Obstacles encountered traffic accident victims to get their rights: the absence of the agreement of both parties in awarding compensation, the execution will be difficult. Efforts must be made victims of traffic accidents to get their right to report the case of a traffic accident to the Police Traffic Unit and incorporate tort.
Key Words: protection, rights, victims, accident.References
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Sumber Lain
Badan Pusat Statistik, Perkembangan Jumlah Kendaraan bermotor Menurut Jenisnya Tahun 1987-2011,
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