Evidence of stolen motorcycle can be a motor body, frame of the bike, and the bike is still intact. Tools used by the perpetrator is the key "T", padlock scissors, wire, pliers, screwdriver, and a cable connecting the machine. The problems in this thesis are what the steps used by police investigators in searching for evidence of the motorcycle theft in district commonds of Padang(Polresta Padang), police investigators found obstacles in the search for evidence in the motorcycle theft district commonds of Padang(Polresta Padang), and the efforts made to overcome the constraints of police investigators in the search for goods evidence of the crime of theft of motorcycles in Champaign Police. This study uses a socio-legal approach. Data used include primary data and secondary data. Primary data were obtained by interviews with informants and secondary data obtained through the study of documents. Data were analyzed qualitatively. Based on the results of this study concluded that the steps police investigators in the search for evidence in the investigation is to plan activities, appoint personnel, check the scene, looking for witnesses, and conduct investigations in the field. Police investigators found constraint is the lack of police as investigators, lack of infrastructure, lack of witnesses. Police efforts to overcome these obstacles is to improve police performance, maximize infrastructure, and seeking informants.
Keywords: investigator, evidence, theft, motorcycle.References
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