Certificate, Electronic, SoilAbstract
Government Regulation Number 18 of 2021 concerning Management Rights, Land Rights, Flat Units, and Land Registration, which explains the provisions on land registration which in this case is contained in Article 84 "The implementation and implementation of land registration can be done electronically", Regulation Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning, Head of the National Land Agency Number 1 of 2021 concerning Electronic Certificates. In the Industrial Era 4.0 where all activities in the field of government and public services use an electronic system that is connected quickly, easily and effectively. Problem Formulation: (1) The Legal Strength of Electronic Land Certificates in Indonesia? (2) What are the Legal Implications of Electronic Land Certificates in Indonesia? This type of research uses normative legal research. The data sources used are secondary data consisting of primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials. The data collection technique used document study and the data were analyzed qualitatively. Research results (1) The implementation of the E-Certificate in Indonesia is a necessity for the future. With the enactment of the Ministerial Regulation, the National Land Agency. Regency/City Land Offices throughout Indonesia must have prepared optimally both from the HR sector and infrastructure in their respective offices (2) renewal of the system or old methods used today is indeed necessary for Indonesia so as not to be left behind by the rapid pace of development. global world of information and communication technology.References
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