constitusion,proposal,judical commision, judge.Abstract
Judicial power is an independent power to administer justice in order to enforce the law of justice. The establishment of a Judicial Commission which functions as a supervisory agency in the exercise of judicial power. The establishment of the Judicial Commission in Indonesia in the judicial power system is a reaction from the community towards the existing judicial institutions due to disappointment with the independence of the judiciary. Where the independence of the judiciary apparatus should not be controlled or influenced by any party. The apparatus in question is the supreme judge. With the establishment of the Judicial Commission, it can produce an objective assessment, reduce the possibility of fraud in the form of acts of nepotism and as a preventive measure for the Judicial Commission in supervising the behavior of judges. Problem formulation: (1) how is the selection process for prospective judges in the state administration system? (2) how are judges proposed by the Judicial Commission to the DPR? The research method used is a normative juridical approach. Sources of data used: secondary and primary data. Data obtained by means of literature study. From the results of the author's research, it can beconcluded that the selection process for candidates for Supreme Court justices by the Judicial Commission will be submitted to the DPR for approval and after obtaining approval will be submitted to the President for determination.References
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