Conduct of Investigations Against Non-Criminal Perpetrators of Embezzlement of Rental Cars
ABSTRACTArticle 372 of the Criminal Code regulates the abuse of rights or abuse of trust against the lessee of the leased property. In this article, the crime committed is in the form of leasing the rental property belonging to the rental owner. The abuse is referred to as the perpetrators pawning and even selling rental cars that have been rented. The formulation of the problem: 1) How is the investigation carried out to the perpetrators of embezzlement of rental cars at the Padang Police? 2) What are the obstacles found in conducting an investigation of the perpetrators of the crime of embezzlement of rental cars at the Padang Police? 3) What are the efforts made against the obstacles encountered by Padang Police investigators in dealing with the crime of embezzlement of rental cars? The research used is a sociological juridical type. Primary data as a source of data comes in the form of interviews, and secondary data in the form of criminal statistics; In data collection techniques used in the form of semi-structured interviews and document studies. c
Keywords: Investigator, Embezzlement, Rental Ccar