Legal Department, Mayor's Office, Regional RegulationAbstract
At each stage of the formation of regional regulations emanating from the mayor, the legal department has a very strategic role, this is governed by law number 12 of 2011 regarding the formation of legislation. Formulation of the problem; 1) What is the role of the legal department of the Mayor of Padang's office at each stage of the development of a regional bylaw? 2) What are the obstacles encountered by the legal department of the Mayor of Padang's office while drafting the regional regulations? 3) What are the efforts made by the Legal Department of the Mayor's Office of Padang to achieve regional regulations in line with the principles of efficiency and effectiveness? Types of sociological legal research. Source of data used primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques using desk studies and interviews were analyzed qualitatively. search result; 1) The Legal Department has exercised its role in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 12 of 2011 regarding the formation of legislation, but there are still some obstacles found. 2) The obstacles encountered by the Legal Department are the lack of knowledge of the Regional Work Units in the techniques of drafting existing laws and regulations and reviewing academic articles. 3) The efforts made by the legal department of the town hall involve the regional work units linked to the DPRD in the discussion phase of the development of regional regulations in the realization of regional regulations that meet the principles of usability and efficiency. Keywords: Legal Department, Mayor's Office, Regional RegulationReferences
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C. Sumber lainnya
Aristo Evandy A. Barlian,2016, Konsisten Pembentukan Peraturan Daerah Berdasarkan Hierarki Perundang-undangan Dalam Prespektif Politik Hukum, Jurnal Fiat Justisia ISSN 1978-5186