Keywords:Human Rights Violations, Ethnic Uighur, UDHRAbstract
ABSTRACT Human Rights (HAM) is a right inherent in humans from birth and must be protected and respected. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights or Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) 1948 was made with the aim of protecting and respecting the rights of every human being on earth. Although the law on the protection of human rights has been passed, there are still many human rights violations in the world, especially those that occur against ethnicities, such as ethnic Uighurs. Uyghurs are an ethnic minority that is a victim of human rights violations in China. Problem statement: 1) What are the human rights arrangements according to the 1948 UDHR? 2) What is the protection of human rights for Uyghurs according to the 1948 UDHR? The research method used is normative juridical with secondary data sources consisting of primary and secondary legal materials. Collection techniques through documentation studies, qualitative data analysis. Research results: 1) The 1948 UDHR regulates the freedoms that everyone has from birth and has the equal dignity and rights contained in Article 1. 2) That the UDHR regulates the protection of all persons including ethnicity, this rule is contained in Article 2 that every human being has the right to freedom and regardless of any physical, organizational or ethnic and must not distinguish the country of origin of the human being. However, China has committed human rights violations against ethnic Uighurs residing in the country.References
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