Community Participation, Corruption, Village FundsAbstract
Corruption is due to gifts, concerns economic and political factors, and the placement of families or groups in services under authority. This statement is based on Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning No Corruption Crimes contained in Article 41. One form of alleged corruption that occurred was corruption of village funds in Nagari Banja Loweh which involved the former Mayor of Nagari regarding the misappropriation of Banja Sakato BUMNag funds. Problem formulation: (1) What are the forms of participation of the Nagari Banja Loweh community in preventing corruption in the management of village funds? (2) How effective is the participation carried out by the people of Nagari Banja Loweh in preventing corruption in village funds? Reseachers used a sosio-legal approach. The data sources used were primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques by conducting interviews and literature studies. The data analysis used was qualitative. Research results (1) forms of community participation are involved in various sectors, especially the development sector. The community is involved starting from planning, implementation, and evaluation (2) the effectiveness of community participation is optimal because it involves the community from the implementation stage to the evaluation stage.References
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