Role, Satreskrim, Beatings, TeenagersAbstract
Article 28 G point 1 of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia states that every person has the right to personal protection, family, honor, dignity and property under his control, and has the right to a sense of security and protection from threats of fear of doing or not doing something that is a human right. Nowadays, the right to a sense of security in society is starting to diminish due to juvenile delinquency, one of the forms of which is beatings. Problem formulation 1). What is the role of the Padang Pariaman Police Criminal Investigation Unit in dealing with criminal acts of beatings committed by teenagers 2). What obstacles did the Padang Pariaman Police Criminal Investigation Unit encounter in dealing with criminal acts of beatings committed by teenagers? The type of research is sociological juridical. Data sources include primary data and secondary data, data analyzed qualitatively. Conclusions 1) The Padang Pariaman Police Criminal Investigation Unit has carried out its role as law enforcer in tackling criminal acts of beatings in Padang Pariaman Regency through penal and non-penal measures. Apart from the police, non-penal efforts are also carried out by parents. 2) The obstacles encountered by the Padang Pariaman Resort Police Criminal Investigation Unit in dealing with criminal acts of beatings were the absence of witnesses who fully saw the beatings, the slow pace of reporting from the public regarding the beatings, and the motives for each case of beatings were different.References
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