Effectiveness, ETLE, Violations, TrafficAbstract
Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement (ETLE) is an electronic ticketing system based on the Road Traffic and Transport Law Number 22 of 2009 and Government Regulation Number 80 of 2012 concerning Procedures for Inspection of Motor Vehicles on the Road and Enforcement of Traffic and Road Transport Violations. The implementation of the ETLE system in Padang City is currently not effective, so its existence as a solution to reduce traffic violations is inversely proportional to the increase in traffic violations. Problem statement (1) How effective is the implementation of ETLE in responding to traffic violations in Padang City? (2) What are the obstacles in implementing ETLE to overcome traffic violations in the city of Padang? Types of socio-legal research. The data sources used are primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques are carried out by interviews and document studies. The data is analyzed qualitatively. Conclusions of the study: (1) The application of ETLE in Padang City in tackling traffic violations has not been effective due to the lack of cameras and the low quality of cameras to detect vehicle license plate numbers and types of violations (2) Obstacles in the implementation of ETLE in Padang City there are several factors, substandard facilities and infrastructure factors, lack of knowledge from the public about the application of ETLE and low awareness society for the application of ETLE.References
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