Role, Nagari Customary Density, Nagari GovernmentAbstract
The role of KAN Koto Baru is not in accordance with what is stated in Article 7 of the Regional Regulation of West Sumatra Province Number 7 of 2018 concerning Nagari, this is because KAN often only focuses on its duties in customary affairs, to the point of neglecting other duties related to the running of the nagari government. a) What is the role of KAN in the implementation of the Nagari Government in Koto Baru Solok? b) What are the obstacles to KAN in the implementation of the Nagari Government in Koto Baru Solok? c) What are the efforts made by KAN in overcoming obstacles in the implementation of the Nagari Government in Koto Baru Solok? The type of research uses sociological juridical. The data sources are primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques through interviews, document studies and qualitative data analysis. Research results: 1) KAN Koto Baru has a role in carrying out its duties and authorities, namely channeling the aspirations of the community, supervising the implementation of nagari customs and culture, holding the implementation of nagari government accountable to the Nagari Guardian, and preserving traditional and cultural values in accordance with the nagari salingka customs. 2) The obstacles to KAN are that there has been no follow-up from the Solok Regency Government regarding West Sumatra Regional Regulation Number 7 of 2018 concerning Nagari, lack of KAN knowledge about West Sumatra Regional Regulation Number 7 of 2018 concerning Nagari, lack of budget, lack of human resources, and lack of coordination with the Nagari Government. 3) Efforts of Nagari Customary Density in overcoming obstacles are encouraging the Solok Regency Government to make a derivative Regional Regulation of West Sumatra Regional Regulation Number 7 of 2018 concerning Nagari, improving coordination with the Nagari Koto Baru Government, submitting to the Nagari Government to increase the budget, and coordinating with niniak mamak.References
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