Public Information, High Court of Padang, TransparencyAbstract
Public information disclosure is a crucial aspect of establishing a transparent and accountable government. Law Number 14 of 2008 on Public Information Disclosure mandates that all public institutions, including the High Court, must provide accessible information to the public. However, the implementation of public information disclosure at the High Court of Padang still faces several challenges. The research questions in this study include: (1) How is the implementation of Law Number 14 of 2008 on Public Information Disclosure carried out at the High Court of Padang? (2) What are the obstacles faced by the High Court of Padang in implementing the law? (3) What efforts have been made by the High Court of Padang to overcome these obstacles?.This study employs a socio-legal research method. Primary and secondary data were obtained through document studies and interviews, analyzed using a qualitative approach. The findings reveal that: (1) Public information disclosure at the High Court of Padang is implemented through internal policies, digital technology utilization, and human resource strengthening. (2) The main obstacles include limited resources for uploading data to the Supreme Court Decision Directory and the low public awareness of their right to access public information. (3) Efforts to address these challenges include the formation of a special team, optimization of the information system, and increased public outreach and socialization.References
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