Satpol PP, Public Order, HotelsAbstract
In the effort of Satpol PP to maintain and/or restore public order and peace of mind against violations of the Regional Regulation and/or Perkada, non-judicial issuance actions are carried out in accordance with the provisions of the law. As stipulated in Padang City Regional Regulation Number 11 of 2005 concerning Public Order and Public Order. Several inns and hotels in Padang City are indicated to have violated order, the hotel received guests from an illegal couple who were caught by officers, one of which was a 3-star hotel located in Pondok Village. Research problems: (1) What is the role of the Padang City Satpol PP in law enforcement against public order violations that occur in hotels? (2) What are the obstacles encountered by the Padang City Satpol PP in law enforcement against public order violations that occur in hotels? The type of research used is empirical juridical; data sources come from primary data and secondary data, data collection techniques with document studies and interviews; data is analyzed qualitatively. The results of the study show: (1) The role of Satpol PP in upholding public order and public peace in Padang City is carried out through: the role of early detection and prevention, coaching, counseling, patrolling, security, escort, control and handling of protests; (2) In upholding public order and public peace in Padang City, Satpol PP does not determine a fixed schedule, because supervision and control are carried out based on information from intelligence and community reports.References
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