Legal Protection, Healthcare, PrisonersAbstract
ABSTRAK The Class II A Correctional Facility in Padang has the responsibility to ensure the implementation of legal protection for prisoners' healthcare. This responsibility reflects the government's duty to fulfill prisoners' rights to health services. The study aims to examine: (1) How is the implementation of legal protection for prisoners' healthcare in the Class II A Correctional Facility in Padang? (2) What are the obstacles in implementing healthcare regulations for prisoners in the facility? (3) How can these obstacles be addressed? This study adopts a socio-legal research approach, utilizing both primary and secondary data sources. Data collection methods include interviews and document analysis, with qualitative data analysis. The findings indicate that: (1) The facility ensures healthcare legal protection by providing a primary clinic, professional medical personnel, routine health check-ups, and BPJS (Indonesian National Health Insurance) registration. (2) The primary obstacle is limited budget allocation. (3) To address this issue, the facility submits official reports to the Ministry of Immigration and Correctional Affairs.References
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