Upaya Perlindungan Reog Ponorogo Sebagai Warisan Budaya Indonesia Dalam Persfektif Hukum Internasional
Efforts, Protection, Heritage, UNESCO, and International LawAbstract
ABSTRACT Indonesian cultural heritage must be protected both nationally and internationally, so that the existence of the original culture is recognized and not claimed by other countries, of course it must be protected, preserved, and respected, the culture is not only carried out by one nation, and one culture, such as Reog Ponorogo which is claimed by Malaysia. These provisions are regulated in the Bern Convention and the UNESCO Convention in 2003. Problem Formulation: 1. How is the regulation of Cultural Heritage in the Perspective of International Law? 2. How are the Efforts to Protect Reog Ponorogo as Indonesian Cultural Heritage? This study uses descriptive normative law, with secondary data sources, consisting of Primary Legal materials, Secondary Legal materials and Tertiary Legal materials. With the Document Study data collection technique, the data is analyzed Qualitatively. Research Results: 1) Regulation of Cultural Heritage in the Perspective of International Law, regulated in the Bern Convention, the UNESCO Convention, which has been ratified by the Republic of Indonesia, and nationally regulated in the Copyright Law, the Law on the Advancement of Culture, and the Law on Cultural Heritage. 2) Efforts to Protect Reog Ponorogo as Indonesian Cultural Heritage, recently recognized by UNESCO as part of Indonesia's Intangible Cultural Heritage. This recognition took place on December 3, 2024, at the 19th Session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage which took place in Paraguay, to preserve and promote this national culture, cultural parades, documentation, and support from the government and local communities of this traditional art were carried out.References
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