judges' consideration, release decision, criminal offensesAbstract
The legal basis for a decision to be released from all charges is contained in Article 191 Paragraph (2) of the Criminal Procedure Code on the release decision. Release decisions handed down to defendants who violate the provisions of the Environmental Law, the subject matter of this case is a release decision handed down to defendants who violate Article 92 Paragraph (1) letter B, Article 93 Paragraph (1) letter A, Article 93 Paragraph (1) letter B of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 18 of 2013 concerning the prevention and eradication of forest destruction which is punishable by a minimum imprisonment of 3 (three) years. Problem formulation: 1) How is the judge's consideration in Decision Number: 93/PID.B/LH/2023/PN PSB regarding release from all charges in environmental crimes? 2) What are the legal remedies against the judge's decision in the form of release from all legal charges in environmental crimes. This research uses a type of Normative Juridical legal research, legal data sources consisting of primary legal materials, secondary legal materials and tertiary legal materials. Data collection techniques are carried out by literature study by reviewing the decision of the West Pasaman District Court judge. Data analyzed with qualitative analysis. The results of the research are 1) The consideration of the judge in Decision Number: 93/PID.B/LH/2023/PN.PSB is that the panel of judges juridically and nonjuridically considers the defendant's actions which are not criminal acts but civil acts on the issue of agrarian conflicts between the community and government policies in unresolved national strategic projects 2) The legal effort against the judge's decision in the form of release from all charges in environmental crimes is that the public prosecutor filed an appeal on the grounds that the judex facti of the District Court in deciding the case did not apply the rule of law as it should.References
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