Prosecutor's Office, Rescue, State AssetAbstract
The Prosecutor's Office is a state institution that has duties and functions related to judicial power and exercises state power in the field of prosecution and other authorities in accordance with the law. The function of the Prosecutor's Office is explained in Article 1 number 1 of Law Number 11 of 2021 concerning Amendments to Law Number 16 of 2004. Concerning the Indonesian Prosecutor's Office Article 30 A. The formulation of the problem is as follows: 1) What is the authority of the Padang State Attorney's Office in saving state assertions?, 2) What are the obstacles faced by the Padang State Attorney's Office in saving state assertions?, 3) What are the efforts of the Padang State Attorney's Office in saving state assertions?. This research method is sociological juridical, which is an approach by looking at legal realities in society. Research results: 1) The authority of the Padang District Attorney's Office in rescuing state assets is carried out through 3 main areas, namely: a. General Criminal Field, b. Special Criminal Field, c. Evidence and Confiscation Management Field. 2) Obstacles faced by the Padang District Attorney's Office in Rescuing State Assets. a. Limited trained human resources (HR). b. Lack of cooperation between authorized agencies. c. Limited budget in rescuing state assets. d. Complicated procedures and regulations in rescuing state assets. 3) Efforts of the Padang District Attorney's Office in Rescuing State Assets. a. Improving the quality of Human Resources (HR). b. Close coordination between the Prosecutor's Office and various state institutions. c. Prioritizing the management of assets that have high economic value. d. Implementation of efficient and fast procedures in rescuing state assets..References
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C. Sumber Lainnya
Ninierk Surparni dkk, “Optimalisasi Peran
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Kerjaksaan Agurng Dalam
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dimurat dalam › urserfilers ›
filers › pursat_litbang, diaksers
pada tanggal 22 oktober 2024
jam 15:00
ergara.diaksers pada 6 Novermber
jam 20:22
wawancara dengan Liranda
Mardhatillah, SH, MH. Jaksa
bidang tindak pidana khusus
Kejaksaan Negeri Padang