advocate, client, Restorative Justice, Legal AdvisorsAbstract
Advocates in Article 5 point 1 of the Law on Advocates give Advocates status as law enforcers who have an equal position with other law enforcers. The presence of advocates has received a different view among other law enforcers who ignore the role of advocates as legal advisors, as happened in the embezzlement case in the Padang City police. The presence of an advocate should be important to guarantee the rights of those in need. Problem Formulation 1. What is the role of legal advisors in accompanying clients in the Restorative Justice process in criminal cases of fraud and embezzlement? 2. What are the obstacles faced by legal advisors in accompanying clients in the Restorative Justice process in criminal cases of fraud and embezzlement? 3. How do legal advisors overcome obstacles in accompanying clients in the Restorative Justice process in criminal cases of fraud and embezzlement? Type of research: Socio-legal, Data sources: Primary and Secondary, Data collection techniques: Document Study & Interviews. Conclusions: 1. Legal advisors play an important role in providing legal advice, helping with documents and assisting them since they are named as suspects. 2. The obstacles found are different understandings between advocates and investigators in the process of assisting clients. 3. Establish active communication with investigators so that advocates and investigators are both law enforcers.References
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C. Sumber Lain
Afanni Anindita Ektya Putri, dkk 2024
“Implementasi Prinsip Restorative
Justice Tindak Pidana Penganiayaan
Pada Tingkat Penyidikan (studi kasus di
Polresta Surakarta)â€, Vol 6, No. 3 Unnes
Law Review