legal protection, patient, referral, hospitalAbstract
Legal Protection for Patients is the fulfillment of Law Number 17 of 2023 concerning Health in Article 3 letter h, especially regarding referrals given to Patients in receiving health facilities as a result of the non-functioning of quality health services. Health facilities as providers in the health sector have an obligation to provide better health services. Problem formulation 1) How is the legal protection for Referral Patients in Hospitals in Padang City? 2) What are the obstacles faced by Patients to get Referrals at Hospitals in Padang City, 3) What are the efforts made by the Hospital to provide Referral Services to Patients?, The type of research used is sociological juridical, using primary and secondary data sources, data collection techniques by document studies and interviews and data analysis with qualitative analysis, data analysis is carried out in a qualitative descriptive manner. The results of the study are 1) Legal protection for Referral Patients at Padang City Hospital is still minimally carried out as a result of the malfunction of service procedures. 2) Obstacles faced by Patients to get Referrals at Padang City Hospital are limited by the Integrated Referral System (SISRUTE) network, waiting lists for referral patients. 3) Efforts made by the Hospital to provide Referral Services to Patients by a. improving the quality of the Integrated Referral System (SISRUTE) network, b. increasing the availability of health service rooms, c. improving supporting medical equipment facilitiesReferences
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