legal protection, women, victims, human traffickingAbstract
Protection for victims of human trafficking is regulated in Law Number 21 of 2027 concerning TPPO, in addition to being regulated in the Law on Protection of Witnesses and Victims, and the Criminal Procedure Code. Victims of human trafficking who are employed as commercial sex workers in Padang City require protection from the Padang Police and the Padang City Social Service. In 2023, there was one case handled by the Padang Police. Problem formulation: 1) How is the legal protection for female victims of human trafficking who are employed as prostitutes? 2) What obstacles have been found by the Padang Police and the Padang City Social Service in providing legal protection for female victims of human trafficking who are employed as prostitutes? This research is a sociological legal research. Data sources consist of primary data and secondary data. Data were collected through interviews and document studies, then analyzed qualitatively. Research results: 1) Legal protection for female victims of human trafficking who are employed as prostitutes can be carried out through rehabilitation, coaching, psychological, and medical care; 2) Obstacles in the implementation of legal protection for female victims who are employed as prostitutes are greatly influenced by the victim's legal culture. Victims’ education and knowledge, as well as trust in the authorities influence victims’ actions. Victims do not want their cases to be investigated and processed because they feel ashamed.References
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