Divorce, Divorce lawsuit, Religious CourtAbstract
ABSTRACT Divorce is the breaking of a bond in a household relationship that cannot be maintained. Divorce is divided into two, namely divorce by divorce and divorce by lawsuit, divorce by divorce is a divorce filed by the husband, and divorce by lawsuit is a divorce filed by the wife. Formulation of the problem: 1) What are the factors causing divorce by lawsuit in the Painan Religious Court? 2) What is the impact of divorce by lawsuit in the Painan Religious Court? The type of research used is sociological juridical; data sources come from primary and secondary data, data collection techniques by means of semi-structured interviews and document studies; the collected data are analyzed qualitatively. Research results: 1) The factors causing divorce lawsuits at the Painan Religious Court are economic factors where the husband and wife cannot meet household needs, disputes between husband and wife that cause frequent quarrels and not being on the same page between husband and wife, infidelity committed by the husband who has another woman, domestic violence (KDRT) committed by the husband against his wife and children, basically the husband is able to support the family but the husband is not responsible and does not provide for his family, social factors, economic factors, psychological factors 2) The impacts of divorce lawsuits at the Painan Religious Court include legal, social, child, and joint property impactsReferences
A. Peraturan Perundang-Undangan
B. Sumber lain
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Executive Summary
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