forensic odontology, odontogram, victim identification, criminal investigationAbstract
Forensic odontology has an important role in supporting the criminal investigation process, especially in identifying victims found in conditions that make visual or fingerprint identification impossible, such as decomposition, burning, or mutilation. One of the main tools used is the odontogram, a dental record that contains the unique characteristics of a person's teeth. Based on Article 184 of the KUHAP and Article 13 of the Minister of Health Regulation No. 269 of 2008, the odontogram is legally recognized as part of expert testimony. Problem formulation: 1) What is the function of the odontogram in identifying crime victims in the criminal investigation process in Indonesia? 2) How is the odontogram used in identifying crime victims at the Kediri Police Department? Type of socio-legal-research. Data sources: primary data and secondary data. Data collection through questionnaires, document studies, and analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Research results: 1) The odontogram is legally valid and scientifically reliable as an identification tool, especially for decomposed or burned bodies. In the Kediri Police Department, only 2.9% of investigators have used odontograms, with 97.1% still relying on fingerprints. 2) Obstacles include the lack of antemortem dental data, lack of forensic dental experts, and absence of supporting infrastructure. Efforts are needed to integrate dental data into national systems, strengthen regulations, provide training, and increase public awareness regarding the importance of dental records.References
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