
  • Viko Gita Yofariska
  • sanidjar Pebrihariati
  • Nurbeti Nurbeti


Legislative Council is the element of the regional administration along with the local government, In carrying out its duties Parliament has legislative function, the function of the budget, and monitoring functions. Parliament conducted surveillance on the local financial cover as outlined in the budget . In the execution of City Council District Fifty as comptroller less area to function as a watchdog on well , so there was problems such as disbursement of grant funds which are not effective . The formulation of the problem , among others . Is the function of the authority of City Council District Fifty ? Whether as a result of the refusal of local finance law by City Council District Fifty ? and what efforts were made by the City Council District Fifty overcome obstacles in the area of financial supervision ? The purpose of this study was to determine the functions and authority of City Council District Fifty, Is due to the refusal of local finance law by City Council District Fifty and efforts made by the District Fifty City Council in overseeing the financial area. This type of research is a sociological study of law with the data collection technique is to conduct interviews directly to the Office of City Council District Fifty . Based on the results of the study showed that the lack of oversight functions in the District Fifty City caused no imbalance between the human resources with local legislators Regional Goverment .
Keywords : Parliament , Monitoring , Regional Finance

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