Mekanisme Kunjungan Keluarga Bagi Narapidana (Studi Kasus: Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Klas II B Laing Solok)


  • Bobby Rahmat Yulanda
  • Syafridatati Syafridatati
  • Yetisma Saini


There are also requirements and prohibitions issued by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights in the form of rules of conduct in prison SMF Class II.B Laing fact that prisoners' rights are not going according to the rules , especially the rules regarding receiving family visits , legal counsel , or certain other persons . Such practice has even so acute , so it is considered as a " must " 1 ) What is the mechanism of family visits for inmates at the Penitentiary II Class B Laing Solok ? , 2 ) Is the constraints faced by the workers and families in conducting family visits at the Institute correctional Class II B Laing Solok ? . The method of approach used in the study was Juridical Sociologist , the data used in the form of primary data and secondary data , the data were collected by interview and document research data were analyzed qualitatively . From the study it can be concluded that : 1 ) the mechanism of Act No. 12 of 1995 concerning the correctional article 14 paragraph 1 letter H in an effort to provide the right to receive family visits prison inmates , especially in Class IIB Laing Solok . 2 ) The obstacles in efforts to protect and guarantee human rights of prisoners in prisons Class IIB Laing Solok factors influenced by internal and external . Internal factors .

Keywords : family, visits , Prisoners , Prion


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