
  • Afhadi Fatmi
  • Fitriati Fitriati
  • Yetisma Saini



State of Indonesia as a developing country that is currently executing the development in all sectors , with the ultimate goal to provide prosperity and well-being both physically and spiritually for all people Indonesia.melihat these conditions to make ends meet many people use every means so that these needs can be met , with such a wide variety of evil may arise . In the case of a criminal act of theft itself in order to increase or facilitate the crime of theft nets , not the least of the offenders who use firearms . Every person who has a firearm , feel have enough weapons to attack the enemy , without them aware that the enemy also has the same firearm . Formulation of the problem ( 1 ) How is the implementation of the investigation of the crime of theft by illegal use of firearms by the Police investigator in Padang ? ( 2 ) Are the obstacles to the implementation of the investigation of the crime of theft by illegal use of firearms by the Police investigator in Padang ? ( 3 ) Does the effort of handling constraints in the implementation of criminal investigations of theft by illegal use of firearms by the Police investigator in Padang . Type juridical sociological research . Sources of data are primary data and secondary data . Data collection techniques and studies dokumen.Data interviews were analyzed qualitatively . Conclusion The results of the research investigation conducted after reports of victims or families of victims , and the problem is the absence of witnesses and the occurrence of resistance in the investigation process and the efforts made by the police investigators were at the time of examination of both witnesses and suspects conducted intensively and carefully

Keywords : Investigation , Theft , Firearms , Illegal



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