House Sale Agreement Between Buyer And Seller In PT Bumi Swarna Dwipa


  • Roni Saputra
  • As Suhaiti Arief
  • Yansalzisatry Yansalzisatry


Housing is one of the basic needs , shelter and refuge from nature. Given the very high
demand for housing . In this case PT . Bumi Swarna Dwipa as one of the private companies
that participated in the construction of housing in the city of Padang housing facilities by way
of cash transactions / cash or through bank loans. Problems in the purchase agreement
between the buyer and seller in the PT Bumi Swarna Dwipa, namely: (1) how the
implementation of a residential purchase agreement in PT. Bumi Swarna Dwipa, (2 ) what
are the claim forms that can be filed by the buyer at PT. Bumi Swarna Dwipa , (3 ) what are
the obstacles encountered in the implementation of the purchase made by the buyer and the
seller at. Swarna Dwipa Earth . In this study the authors use a type of juridical sociological
research and interviews with some respondents and informen to obtain the primary data.
Based on this research can be concluded that: ( 1 ) the execution of the purchase agreement
contained housing developer rights, (2 ) to defend the rights of the buyer , to avoid cheating
developer , the buyer can file a claim against the developers who do not work in accordance
with the agreement, (3 ) the execution of the purchase agreement , there are constraints that
can even result in inhibition also resulted in the cancellation of the purchase agreement .
Keywords: agreement, sale, purchase, home


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