The development of public transport has been the extent of illegal mengkwatirkan . Many
factors influence why people commit such offenses . Indonesia has enacted Law No. 22 of
2009 on Road Traffic and road transport for effective countermeasures against illegal public
transport . Which formulation of the problem about how the existence of a motor vehicle ( car
) which is used as a private public transport , as well as mechanisms for the settlement of the
violations committed by private car is used as public transport , like Which constraint in the
follow khasus, law enforcement efforts to crack down on these violations kasus . Sociological
research methods juridical law. Based on interviews with chief Satlantas Sugeng.R desert
town . said that the difficulty of prosecution of perpetrators of illegal public transport caused
for a number of factors: the difficulty of distinguishing between illegal public transport by
private car , the speed used above the maximum speed making it difficult for the traffic
Keywords : mechanism , settlement , public transport and private illegal.
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