Forests are a source of life and Sagat valuable State assets , should be preserved and protected , every citizen must be to preserve the Indonesian forests . production of forest products is a criminal act that is prohibited by the Act - Act No. 41 of 1999 on kehutanan.perumusan matter how consideration of the judge in imposing punishment on criminals production of forest products ? This research is normative , the data - the data used are secondary data in the form of primary legal materials and secondary legal materials tertiary legal materials , data collection techniques based on the data dokumen.analisas study is qualitative . Conclusion The results of the study are : consideration of the judge in imposing punishment on criminals production of forest products in accordance with the provisions of Act - Act No. 41 of 1999 , the judge discretion in ruling against menjatuhakn criminal sale of forest products peoduksi ie juridical considerations ie consideration judge based on facts - facts in the judicial proceedings and is non judicial consideration is based on consideration of circumstances judge that are not regulated under the rules of law - but the law is good circumstances inherent in the crime of the manufacturer as well as deals with social issues and community structure in forest areas .
Keywords : Considerations , judge , criminal , fores
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