2 Modus Operandi dan Cara Pembuktian Tindak Pidana Hacking Terhadap Perbankan (Studi Kasus Putusan No. 133/Pid.B/2012/PN.Pwk)


  • Erizwarjana Adi Putra
  • Syamsur Tasir
  • uning pratimaratri


The importance of Indonesia has laws governing all activities of the cyber world ( cyberspace )
can be seen from the data the average daily growth RGTS and clearing transactions tend to
increase sharply during the year 2012, which almost reached 175 , 38 Trillion dollars . While
progress payment using a payment card (Credit Card / Debit Card) almost reached 10,371.12
billion dollars and transactions through the Automated Teller machines ( ATMs ) reached 17.146
billion dollars . The formulation of the problem to be studied are : 1 . How modus operandi of
criminal acts against banking hacking ? 2 . How to proving the crime of hacking techniques in
the banking industry ? This study used a normative juridical approach is a study of decision
Decision No. Case Study . 133/Pid B/2012/PN.Pwk ) . The technique used in data collection and
analysis of qualitative studies document . The modus operandi of the accused used to use way
without the consent of PT Telkomsel , with connections to all servers using PT Telkomsel . The
technique of proof in this case is : the public prosecutor to bring witnesses and found evidence
such as modems , flash disks and others. Defendant does not exist to bring witnesses in the trial
and the defendant has nothing to give evidence in court to facilitate the verification process .
Keywords : mode , evidence , hacking , banking

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