Camat as a Land Deed Official While still needed , especially in areas that are not quite there PPAT especially in remote areas . The problem in this study were : 1 ) What is the role of sub-district as officials PPAT While in the process of land registration ; 2 ) Is the constraints faced in his role as acting district head While PPAT ; 3 ) What are the efforts made camat in overcoming obstacles to Land Registration process . The research method used in this study using the method of empirical jurisdiction with the primary data source and secondary data source . Sources of primary data obtained from direct field research with interviews with respondents . Sources of secondary data obtained from literature data using primary and secondary legal materials . The data obtained in qualitative analysis to address issues of research .The results showed that : 1 ) The role of District Head For PPAT While in the Mentawai Islands is not maximized , it can be seen from the performance that only produce one (1) certificate course ; 2 ) Constraints As PPAT While a sub-district in the Mentawai Islands in running the role and function is the lack of public knowledge about the land issue ; 3 ) efforts made district head to overcome obstacles in the process of land registration is to provide information and education to the public about the land .
Keywords : sub-district , PPAT , Land Registration
Daftar Pustaka
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