
  • Azzori Marches
  • syafridatati Syafridatati
  • deaf Wahyuni




Public attorney of RI as one of [the] enforcer institute punish [is] the same as with other government instruments [is] appliance revolutionize to execute national development of tired going to berencana semesta of prosperous and fair society pursuant to Five Principles. As executor of investigation of attorney execute investigation pursuant to Procedure of criminal ( KUHAP). Problems to be studied [by] [is] 1) How role of attorney as investigator in expressing corruption doing an injustice 2) Do constraint which [in] facing attorney as investigator in expressing corruption doing an injustice. Method which [is] used in this research [is] sosiologis yuridis that is research to decision of No.2418 K/Pid.Sus/2011. Source of data obtained from primary data and of sekunder. Primary data obtained from interview, data of sekunder obtained from office Public attorney of Country Field, data collecting technique [is] semi interview and document study, data analysed qualitative. From result of research of attorney have 3 role in corruption doing an injustice of yaitu:1. Role of attorney in investigation of corruption doing an injustice 2. Role of attorney in prosecution of corruption doing an injustice 3. Role of attorney in execution of decision. Constraint faced [by] attorney [is] the lack of personnel, evidence goods [is] often found to lose that goodness [of] evidence goods which intend to be eliminated by evidence goods and also defendant which have [used up/finished], eyewitness which obstructive to often attend able to complicate investigation process

 Keyword: Role, attorney, investigator, Tipikor


Daftar Pustaka

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Kitab Undang-undang hukum acara pidana(KUHAP).

Undang-undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2004 tentang  Kejaksaan Republik Indonesia

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