
  • Gusti Rahayu
  • Uning Syafridatati
  • Syafridatati Syafridatati




The times , they cause the rapid advancement of technology , giving rise to various forms of crime. One of these crimes, commonly called narcotics or narcotic crime are Law No. 35 of 2009 . Crime narcotic crime organized crime , covert and secret that more far-reaching , not only involve the general public, but also involve members of the police . As law enforcement officers who are at the forefront of combating trafficking and drug abuse . Police protect the public are also faced with the dilemma that not infrequently of its members involved in the distribution and drug abuse. Problems studied: 1 . How criminal punishment against members of the police who committed the crime of narcotics ? 2 . Is consideration in applying the law judge narcotic crime?. Type Juridical Sociological research , the data used in the form of primary data and secondary data , the data were collected by interview study of documents, and the data were analyzed qualitatively . From the study it can be concluded : the imposition of criminal and Judge consideration in applying the criminal law to members of the police , in fact the same as other criminal cases in which the general public is becoming defendants, only for members of the Police only difference is the presence of factors that meringatkan ie Dharma Bhaktinya devotion and donated to the State as members of the Police and the factors that can not be found on the criminal case, if the defendant general public .

Keywords : Criminal , National Police , Acts , Narcotics




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